
Navigating the World of Crypto as a Service (CaaS): A Comprehensive Guide

Seventeen percent of Americans have invested in, traded, and used a cryptocurrency. With hundreds of millions of people in the United States, there is a great chance one of your customers is a crypto user. 

Accepting cryptocurrency payments or offering crypto solutions can make your business appealing to a wider audience. The problem is that many businesses don’t have the bandwidth or development resources to create crypto solutions from scratch. 

This is where the crypto-as-a-service (CaaS) model comes in. Cryptocurrency isn’t just about trading or investing anymore — CaaS is revolutionizing how businesses interact with money. 

In this guide, we’ll explain the basics of CaaS and show you how AlphaPoint can deliver white-label crypto services for your business. 

Understanding Crypto as a Service

CaaS is a financial technology (FinTech) business model that provides a crypto service on a regular basis. With this model, a company can sign up for a white-label crypto service and deliver it to its own customer base. 

As long as the company maintains a subscription to the service, it can offer the CaaS company’s crypto services as to its own customers. Let’s use an example to better explain.

Let’s say you run a credit union or another financial institution. You want to take advantage of the growing crypto market by allowing your customers to hold their Bitcoin and Ethereum via a crypto wallet.

However, you don’t want to spend significant company resources to build a proprietary crypto wallet across a blockchain network. Instead, you work with a white-label partner who licenses its technology to you.

This way, you can provide your customers with access to a digital assets platform without spending tons of time and money doing the work yourself.

CaaS solutions can be used by a wide range of companies across verticals who want to expand their existing services.

Types of CaaS Service

CaaS solutions span across a wide range of offerings:

Crypto Wallets

CaaS providers can provide businesses with white-label crypto wallets that their customers can use to store and manage their digital assets via blockchain technology.

Financial institutions can use white-label crypto wallets to service their existing customers and appeal to new audiences who are using cryptocurrencies.

Crypto Trading

White-label providers can provide businesses with access to crypto exchange APIs that their customers can use to trade crypto assets

CaaS provider can offer a crypto trading platform with the API tools to integrate with your system.

Crypto Payments

CaaS providers can also provide businesses with software integration solutions to accept cryptocurrency as a payment method — similar to debit, credit, PayPal, etc. If you operate an online store, this may be a worthwhile opportunity to help you reach worldwide audiences, subject to regional regulatory requirements.

Crypto Custody

Crypto custody makes it possible for users to store their crypto assets securely.

Crypto Lending and Borrowing

CaaS solutions aren’t just limited to digital wallets and trading platforms. CaaS providers can give businesses the ability to offer crypto lending and borrowing services to their customers.

Crypto Staking and Yield Farming

Staking and yield farming are two of the most essential components of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. White-label FinTech providers can help businesses offer their customers crypto staking and yield farming services.

How Crypto as a Service Works

As you can see, there are a variety of different white-label CaaS providers to choose from. Regardless of the service you choose, here’s how the onboard process works when you work with AlphaPoint as a FinTech service provider:

  1. A financial institution signs up for a white-label CaaS service plan from a provider using AlphaPoint’s technology.
  2. The AlphaPoint Exchange (APEX) gives the financial institution access to its exchange software and liquidity solutions (all provided transparently by AlphaPoint Certified Partners for integration into the financial institution’s own APEX-powered exchange platform.
  3. The financial institution integrates AlphaPoint’s APIs (and possibly UI assets) into its own platform.
  4. The financial institution launches the crypto service or product for its customers.

With APIs, financial institutions can integrate AlphaPoint’s technology with their own system. This establishes a seamless transfer of AlphaPoint’s CaaS technology to your platform — no time-consuming configuration to your platform’s backend required.

Key Benefits of CaaS

CaaS is a popular alternative for businesses who want to save time and money while venturing into the world of digital currencies. In addition to expanding offerings to customers, here are a few other advantages businesses can enjoy by implementing this model:

Cost Savings

CaaS providers can help businesses save money on the upfront and ongoing costs of building and maintaining their own crypto infrastructure.

The costs of building crypto infrastructure can be prohibitive for many businesses, especially if they’re new to the crypto market: Building a crypto exchange from scratch can range from $200,000 to $600,000.

If you want to bypass these sky-high expenses, you can work with a CaaS provider and use their software for your customers. 


CaaS providers have the expertise and experience to help businesses implement crypto products and services quickly and securely.

If you’re not familiar with the crypto market and want to launch a new service, it’s smart to rely on a company with an established crypto infrastructure, like AlphaPoint. 

With 10+ years of experience since our founding in 2013, AlphaPoint has pioneered the belief that crypto will transform finance — and we remain at the forefront of innovation. With AlphaPoint’s expertise on your side, you can avoid the costs of starting an ill-prepared crypto development project on your own. 


Depending on where you operate and provide services, you will need to assess the requirements of the applicable regulatory framework and seek to ensure compliance.

When it comes to compliance, security is also an important factor. Crypto platforms need to consider utilizing industry-leading security protocols, like Know Your Customer (KYC).

CaaS Use Cases

In which industries does CaaS have the most practical applications? The short answer is “all of them.” From finance to gaming, the CaaS model has several use cases we’ll explore in the sections below. 

1. Banks, Credit Unions, and Other Financial Institutions

Banks and credit unions can expand their financial services to appeal to crypto investors. Specifically, they can purchase white-label crypto trading and custody services to help their customers engage the market and hold their assets.

2. Remittance Companies

Remittance companies can also benefit from white-label service providers. In particular, these financial institutions can offer cheaper and faster cross-border payments to their customers via cryptocurrency

3. Gaming Companies

Gaming companies use CaaS to offer in-game crypto payments and rewards to their players. Relying on CaaS means these companies don’t have to build their own crypto services from scratch. 

4. Ecommerce Brands

Local and global ecommerce brands can leverage CaaS to accept cryptocurrencies as payment. With the popularity of cryptocurrencies rising across the globe, online retailers can accept crypto to expand their customer base. 

Find Out How AlphaPoint Provides CaaS Today

CaaS makes it possible for businesses to offer crypto services to their customers. With AlphaPoint Labs, a business can access the support to integrate a variety of crypto services into your business model.

Let the experts manage the technical complexities and operations of your digital asset infrastructure build, allowing you to focus on delivering value to your customers and transforming your business.

Request a demo today to learn more about how you can expand your service offerings with AlphaPoint.

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