
Regional Liquidity Report – Q2 2020

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˅ Executive Summary


  1. Regional digital asset exchanges are emerging to dominate respective domestic markets
  2. Unlike most reports that examine the top global digital asset exchanges, especially the ones that service US citizens, this report analyzes the rise of regional exchanges from a non-US centric perspective

Methodology of Variables

  1. Variables include name of region, number of exchanges, average web traffic, average liquidity, average estimated daily volume, average taker fees, average maker fees, average estimated daily trading revenue, average funding, average inception date
  2. The average daily estimated volume variable utilized in this report is unique in that the variable discounts reported daily volumes by a composite score of the liquidity and web traffic variables; in this way, we believe we are more accurately estimating volume rather than purely using reported daily volume numbers since those volumes are often inflated


  1. Year Bitcoin started actively trading in each country
  2. Number of major exchanges within each region

Macro Analysis

  1. Bar graphs comparing the different regions on the variables examined
  2. Example: Average Daily Estimated Trading Revenue

Individual Region Analysis (Asia Pacific, Africa, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East, and North America)

  1. Provides relevant statistics for each region and accompanying narrative text that provides insight into what these differences could mean