ETHDenver 2025
ETHDenver is a world renowned gathering place where developers, creators, and visionaries come together to address critical challenges and bring groundbreaking ideas to life in the fields of blockchain and distributed computing.
Blockchain Training Conference (BTC2019) is an educational conference first, setting a standard for blockchain industry excellence by offering training for attendees to earn various blockchain professional designations.
AlphaPoint is proud to sponsor and support BTC’s initiative. On Day 1 of BTC2019, AlphaPoint CIO Joe Ventura will teach an educational course detailing best practices for running a cryptocurrency exchange:
The demand to issue, acquire, and trade digital assets – proprietary tokens representing loyalty points, financial instruments, or natively digital currencies such as Bitcoin – has grown exponentially over the past several years, creating a set of dynamic, overlapping exchange ecosystems.
This session, offered by AlphaPoint, a BTC2019 sponsor, offers an introductory guide for individuals interested in understanding how to operate a successful crypto exchange running on white-label technology. The session will be taught by Joe Ventura, CIO of AlphaPoint.
In addition to our sponsorship and speaking session, AlphaPoint will participate in the CryptoCurrency Security Standard Auditor (CCSSA) sessions to earn certification in the knowledge, expertise and capability to assess safe private key operations (creation, storage, signing, etc.).
ETHDenver is a world renowned gathering place where developers, creators, and visionaries come together to address critical challenges and bring groundbreaking ideas to life in the fields of blockchain and distributed computing.
AlphaPoint will have a booth onsite, along with a main stage speaking slot at Money Expo Mexico, a financial event bringing together the brightest minds in finance, investments, and technology.